Moments and Invitations

Mission Statement:
Learning to encounter the Lord all around us daily...
Responding to each whispered invitation, each gentle tug at our heart.... the mundane... the messy... and the beautiful.

Our goal is three-fold....

1. Learn to Discern: His nearness, His voice, His delight over us, His empowering grace, available to us in this present moment.

2. Resolve to Respond: A resolute, even if feeble, "YES" in our heart to each invitation and each revelation of His heart.

3. Embrace Mercy: A revelation of God's mercy, compassion, and forgiveness that enables us to quickly repent when we fail in either #1 or #2 (with zero condemnation!), to get up and run back into His arms with confidence as His beloved child.

Along my journey up to this point, I've found that all of our moments tend to fall into one (or more) of these 3 categories:

The Mundane:  Cleaning, dishes, and laundry.  Projects, deadlines, and commuting.    Play dough, diapers, and bedtime routines.  When life feels a little... well... boring. 

The Messy:  Arguments, unemployment, and illness.  Fear, failures, and inadequacy.  Cluttered homes, hurting hearts, imperfect lives.  When life feels broken beyond our ability to repair or restore.

The Beautiful: Kid-smiles, cuddles, and kisses.  Obedience, joyful hearts, contentment.  Peace, unity, and healthy community.  When life feels like a "good and perfect gift." (James 1:17)

In any circumstance, no matter which of these categories it falls into, God's heart is encounter... His nature is revelation... His desire is intimacy.  

He waits for us, whispers loud to us throughout our days, "Encounter Me here.  Respond to Me in this moment.  I want to reveal my heart toward you right now..." When we respond to Him, no matter the moment, with a "YES" in our hearts, He truly makes all things beautiful.

These are the things that God has used to change my life (literally!)... 
from coping to thriving...
from stress to peace...
from boredom to being present and engaged...
from feeling many days like I was doing great if I could just make it to the end of the day... to learning to live each day with a joy-filled, fully alive heart (with plenty of faults and failures along the way!).

So... welcome, friend!  I'm so glad you've come to spend a while here.  I'd love for you to join me as we learn together to discern and respond to God's pursuit of our hearts... in every moment and every season of our lives.  

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Hi there, friend! I'm honored and blessed when you share your heart, your thoughts, your feedback with me here. At the same time, I want my readers to feel free to read and process internally before the Lord... to not feel obligated to spit out immediate feedback.... so I am SO not upset or offended by non-commenting readers. Please be who you are - - internal AND external processors welcome here! :)

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Thanks so much for walking beside me a little ways here.

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