Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Catching Up....

Wellllll it's been an incredibly long time since I've posted here.  Most of my blogging juice has been focused here, on our adoption blog.  That's right, we're adopting...and we are SO excited.  We JUST finally got all our initial paperwork in (71 pages of it!) and are beginning our home study process.

In other news, spring came a month early around here (after what was by FAR the mildest winter of the 10 or so winters that I've spent here) and we have been enjoying it!  Our raised bed gardens are looking great and we actually had our first official salad from our OWN garden the other day. :)

One of our raised beds - we have 3 total.  Spinach, lettuce, swiss chard,  onions, garlic, and tomatoes. :)
My bulbs that I planted last fall were quite a success....for a short 2 weeks or so.  But they looked amazing while they lasted!  Unfortunately for me, most of the time that they were blooming was during my trip to North Carolina!  But I did get to grab this pic of them when I got home.  Speaking of my NC trip, there will be another blog post SOON with pics from that time.  Isaac and I had a blast spending time with family.

And now THIS weekend we have been enjoying time with Nana and Grandpa (a.k.a. "Ba-pa") - Stan's parents, from Colorado Springs.  Here are some pics from their visit:

Nana and Isaac checkin' out the dinos
Isaac loves Uncle Steve!
Grandpa, Daddy, Nana, Mommy, Aunt Jane, Andrea, Michael, Uncle Steve, and Isaac :)
Super-Nana did all kinds of climbing and sliding with Isaac .   I think they were both in Heaven. :)
Isaac loooved hanging with "Ba-pa" :)
Nana and Ba-pa are so much fun! :)

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